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Bearkat77's Beatlemaniac Log Book

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Name - simon    Email - Simongleeson@hotmail.com
Date --     From - mel,aust

this site definately is one of the
biggest bestest beatilest sites
around keep up the work



Name - jami    Email - lennonblue@yahoo.com
Date --     From - louisiana
Great website, Bearkat! love the music to go along with it.

Name - FPSHOT    Email - rob@nieuwveld.nl
Date --     From - Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Hi Bearkat, just thought I have a look at your site. Looks smashing, will have a look around now.

Name - st.paulygirl    Email - lookupthenumber
Date --
Fab,gear,site Bearkat! I thought perhaps you wrestled alligators all day!!!!!!

Name - walshy    Email - spandexjoe@yahoo.com
Date --     From - eire
THE LIGHT BRIGADE are a new band who are HUGE beatles fans and can be heard free at www.peoplesound.com/artist/thelightbrigade
Name - HorseDate --     From - USA
The Beatles are definitly the best band. They really rock. Call me strange but I don't like any other band- not even N'sync!

Name - lenmac    Email - lennon.mccartney@excite.com
Date --     From - England
Not bad you guys!
I love the way your background stays still as you scroll up and down. Truly amazin'!

Name - SleepyHead    Email - inmemoryofrobby@yahoo.com
Date --
See, this is how it works....

Name - SleepyHead    Email - inmemoryofrobby@yahoo.com
Date --
Hey, Bearkat, whaddaya think of this guestbook?

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